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1-to-1 navigation sessions – by donation

*1-to-1 navigation session(s) – by donation:

*By donation is at suggested ‘bench-mark’ levels, for one-off sessions & session series.

[READ: Overview of “by donation”]

Book 3 Sessions
Book 5 Sessions
Book 8 Sessions
1-hour Session
[save £11.25]
[save £37.50]
[save £90]
1.5-hour Session £120


[save £18]


[save £60]
[save £144]

[*If you wish to discuss your donation level, please contact below.]

For booking a session please contact me

Helen Titchen Beeth

“I cannot state strongly enough what a wonderful, deep, insightful mirror Sarah is. If you want to turbo your process, I recommend her as a dance partner!”

Neil Hewison

“We all skim the surface of life, too fearful of going to depth. Sarah’s passion, and her life work is to take you to the depths of your truth in a gentle and understanding way; her gift is to hold you in love and in a non-judgemental safe space.”

Jeraldene Lovell-Cole

“Sarah is a master tracker, an adept navigator of timelines, a trailblazer who elegantly articulates her unfolding story of consciously waking up. Through accessing future memories, mythic characters and ordinary live, Sarah shares practices and reveals the emerging archetypes of wholeness, subtle artistry and conscious evolution by living them first then chronicling them for us. This story is a guide to inspire us into the deeper questions of who we are and why we are here. And when a scout as skilled as Sarah offers us maps and navigational tools, we find our own courage to step into the stream of our own unique callings and to invite destiny to participate with us to co-evolve a new world.” – Jeraldene Lovell-Cole, Intuitive, Mentor, Artist
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