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Fit for a Planet

From ‘The Order of Creation’, A Book of Poems by Sarah Whiteley

Who makes the blue prints for the new world:
Who are the draftsmen, the architects,
the artists, the visionaries?

Look! There they are!
Stooped over the drawing board,
slide rule and pencil in hand.

Tricky business making blue prints,
Needed in scale and stature,
The size of a planet.

Still, someone’s got to do it,
Got to start
Drawing the base-lines,
scoping possibility.

Otherwise, we stay with the same model,
The same ground plan,
The same design.

But the design is shifting,
To house the newness calling
To be loved and lived into being.

So the draftsmen, the architects and the others
Stoop studiously late into the night,
Crafting the ground plan

Fit for a planet.

Fit for a planet, from ‘The Order of Creation’,
A Book of Poems by Sarah Whiteley

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