A few years ago, a prescient moment emerged during one of my MA mentored-sessions with Dr Will Taegel, (Dean of Wisdom School & Elder of Earth Wisdom Academy) where he reflected to me, that according to philosopher David Bohm, author of ‘Wholeness and the Implicate Order’: white water, the bubbles on top of the wave, were the miracle of the Universe.
At the time, it shook me.
Since, and actively participating in the White Water Era – riding the ‘Wave’ and the ‘waves’ within ‘waves’ – I have come to ask: What if we are being called to hone, as Will proposed: ‘the primary capacity, as field guide(s) […] being the ability not only to live in chaos but to thrive in the white water, surf the waves, and delight in the ceaseless motion’?
What if this asks we participate as ‘bubbles on the wave’, adding life force to the Wave, as ‘miracles of the Universe’?
And, what if, WE – humanity – are yearning for the connection to water, not only metaphorically, but physically … and White Water Era is our time for surfing, thriving and delighting with the birthing of new Earth?
What if, this is our personal and collective quest?
I also wonder, what if
‘Creating a new civilization – a new earth – is a function of our collaborative capability, with all life; where coherent Islands co-create with conscious collective intent, the ripple effects have the possibility of generating waves of positive transformative impact, capable of re-balancing the whole.’
We will see.
Navigating transition is offered as an oasis, wellspring and practice portal for activating strategic arts and leadership skills for navigating and thriving in these transformative white water times. There is much to share … much more to discover and co-create.
While it is clear that opening the space and offering navigating transition is right timing, much remains invisible and unknown. The Offerings, Books & Publications, and Reflections in Poetry, Mirrors, Writings and Inspirations, are ways for engaging, and for surfing the waves; invitations to us all to journey into practice and inquiry, and engage ever more strongly with our evolutionary and creative potential in personal, collective, planetary and cosmic ways. These invitations also include becoming ever more intimate with the transformative nature of white water, as teacher, ally and co-creator. I perceive, at its heart, white water is ragingly powerful and infinitely subtle, and in continuous movement.
So as we begin exploring, experiencing and action researching what is means to be navigating transition, we can take heart that The Great Turning: (‘the essential adventure of our time: the shift from the industrial growth society to a life-sustaining civilization’) is ongoing, and we are participating in it!
I look forward to journeying with you!
Much love, Sarah